Regional Transformation Data
Regional Transformation Data
In support of East Carolina University’s mission to serve rural communities, the Office of Research and the Office of Innovation and Engagement developed an interactive database for ECU faculty and students. The database contains Excel files and interactive maps at the county level, as well as aerial and satellite imagery.
The Regional Transformation database shows university interactions with partners across the region, the state, and the globe. By doing so, we are able to identify opportunities for ECU faculty, staff, and students to connect with associates globally.
- Experiential Learning Inventory: This database compiles data from students enrolled in experiential learning programs at ECU. These programs bridge the classroom and professional work environments including clinical rotations, internships and field experiences, among others. (Source: Office of State Authorization and SARA Compliance, ECU)
- College of Education: This database contains Internship II placement data for all initial licensure Educator Preparation Program (EPP) areas. (Source: College of Education, ECU)
- Health Sciences:The database compiles active student learning agreements. These are agreements between an agency and the university such that ECU Heath Science students may receive clinical practice at the agency, pending their acceptance of the student(s). Please see the contracts themselves for specific requirements. Contact Dr. Alta Andrews, ECU Health Sciences Student Learning Contract Officer, email phone 252-744-6350. (Source: College of Nursing, ECU)
- Community Engagement Sponsored Projects: The database contains community engagement sponsored awards by amount and number. (Source: ECU’s Office of Research, Economic Development & Engagement)
- Community Engaged Programs: The information presents the number of student and faculty-led projects through programs within the Office of Engaged Research. (Source: ECU’s Office of Research, Economic Development & Engagement)
- Regional Data: Formerly called the Drive East Data Initiative, this project was designed to provide researchers at ECU with a broad suite of regionally-specific data spanning health, education and socioeconomic disparities at the eastern North Carolina county level, state level and national level. The data collected through this project is classified into seven categories including: Agriculture, Demographics, Economy, Education, Employment, Housing, and Public Health. (Source: USDA, Census Bureau, NC REAO, FCC, Microsoft, State Cancer Profiles, CDC, NCDHHS, NC Health Workface)
How to Cite this Work
Pascual-Gonzalez, J., Aguilar-Mogas, A., Paynter, S.R., Regional Transformation Data, East Carolina University. Available at:
For technical support, please contact Suhail Guzman with the Office of Research at